Saturday, June 25, 2011

CSU Annual Flower Trial Garden

Life is GoodWhat a Beautiful Morning!Just Another Primary ColorIf You Like RedAnother Delphinium BudLobelia
Denver DaisyPinkZinniaBokeh!BulbineA Petunia Bud
She's a PeachMore Blue!Blue Delphinium BudPackin' PollenMorning LightAnother Gazania
Speaking of Primary ColorsTuscan SunDalhia BudsBee that as it may...RedColor, dang it!
The Colorado State University Annual Flower Trial Garden is one of Fort Collins most popular tourist destinations. The attached set of photos was captured over the past two summers and contains 246 photos and growing. Hope you enjoy color and detail because there is a lot of both contained herein.

1 comment:

  1. I know what I'm doing tonight!!!
    Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
